What is Tow Champlain?
Tow Champlain is a partnership of marine service providers on Lake Champlain. We provide the bulk of the 24-hour on-water marine service on Lake Champlain, both on the broad lake & Island Sea. We provide marine towing, jumpstarts, out-of-gas fuel delivery (both gas & diesel), assistance with hard groundings & soft groundings, & refloat/salvage.
Our service region includes:
The broad lake of Lake Champain north of Ferrisburg including Burlington Bay, Shelburne Bay, Appletree Bay, Malletts Bay, Willsboro Bay, Whallon Bay, Otter Creek, Cumberland Bay, Treadwell Bay etc north to the border.
Inland Sea including Sandbar, Keelers Bay, The Gut, St. Albans Bay, Maquam Shore & Mississquoi Bay
Other areas on request including south Lake Champlain & the Champlain canal/locks.
We also provide on-land towing for vessels.